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Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner

Krista Moser
Dec 29, 20246 min read
A Parade of Beauty!
This should be fun! Many of you know we did a quilt along for my latest pattern, Crimson Christmas, recently. Each week, for five weeks,...

Krista Moser
Oct 20, 20242 min read
A Tale of Two Feet
Have you ever experimented with your ¼” foot? Or, maybe you have more than one and they each give you a different seam allowance. This...

Krista Moser
Jan 8, 20232 min read
Scalloped Magic
I've been working on a Spring inspired project this last week… just pulling my color palette together and starting to imagine what the...

Krista Moser
Jan 1, 20231 min read
The Get'er Done Guide
I posted these at the beginning of last year and this idea got rave reviews soooo.... It's a new year and that means new projects to...

Krista Moser
Dec 25, 20223 min read
The Perfect Quarter Inch Seam
What to do when a ¼” seam actually matters (and that’s not always the case). If you’ve ever been frustrated over piecing accuracy, read...

Krista Moser
Dec 18, 20229 min read
Show and Tell
Well, this is fun! I have been doing a virtual quilt along/video class for the past several weeks with my latest pattern, the Gilded...

Krista Moser
Dec 11, 20222 min read
Making a list and checking it twice!
Is your family looking for a gift or stocking stuffer idea for you? I put together a list of ten different gems that would make great...

Krista Moser
Dec 4, 20222 min read
The Budget Gift Set for Quilters!
It’s that time of year again! The time we start scrambling for good little gift ideas for our quilting buddies. My friend, Benita, gave...

Krista Moser
Nov 27, 20222 min read
Two Big Things
This week is a little different. In a busy holiday week, we have two big things happening this weekend. First, we are doing our biggest...

Krista Moser
Nov 20, 20223 min read
What Could You Do with a 2½" Strip?
Or four 2½” strips? How about a cute Christmas stocking?! You know me and my funny little scrap projects. I had some remnant pieces from...

Krista Moser
Nov 13, 20223 min read
Color Me Blown Away!
Isn’t it the best when you meet someone you like and then you find out they like all the same things you do?! Well, I’d like to introduce...

Krista Moser
Nov 6, 20223 min read
Weekend Wool Warrior
It's about that time of year when we start thinking about quick little gift projects to make in a flash! How about a super easy wool-felt...

Krista Moser
Oct 30, 20222 min read
Woven Braid Table Runner
What kind of design can you make with just one cut? I had fun playing around this week and came up with this woven braid-style table...

Krista Moser
Oct 23, 20224 min read
Piping Hot!
Have you ever wanted to know how to add piping to your binding? I had a special blog request a few weeks back for just this technique,...

Krista Moser
Oct 16, 20222 min read
Four Fun Festive Fall Projects
Who doesn't love Fall? Crisp apple cider, warm pumpkin spice cookies, hot cocoa, flannel shirts, and warm cozy fires? Leaves, pumpkins...

Krista Moser
Oct 9, 20222 min read
Gold, Glitz, Glamorous... Gilded is here!
This one has been a long time coming. I’ve had a Christmas Tree Skirt on my must-design list for quite a while. Well, today is the day,...

Krista Moser
Oct 2, 20222 min read
No Scrap Left Behind…Binding
Here’s a way to use up every last scrap strip no matter how wide it is! I made another batch of baby quilts with random odds and ends I...

Krista Moser
Sep 25, 20222 min read
Class in Session!
It has been quite a month! I have been traveling and teaching almost all month, and now that I'm back home, I can share all the class...

Krista Moser
Sep 18, 20221 min read
Machine Maintenance Clock
It’s that time of year, ya know, when we come in from the garden and organize for the sewing season ahead! Okay, some of us never made it...

Krista Moser
Sep 11, 20222 min read
How to Make a Design Wall
I made a design wall for my sewing room, and I am so happy with how it works! I know there are several design wall ideas out there, some...
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