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Exciting News!

I have been secretly working on the most exciting project, and I finally get to share! Last fall, Creative Grids Rulers contacted me with a proposition to design a new ruler for their line that would work with all my patterns!

….and guess what, after months of design and manufacturing deliberation, it goes on the market this week! Eeeek! Pinch me :)

I also designed four new patterns to go with the ruler (it can be used to make my existing patterns as well). I have been using my advanced copy ruler for a month or so now, and I am so stoked at the breadth of its design possibilities!

We took a few of the new quilts out this week on a photography expedition to the tulip fields. The new quilts have an impressive array of color, but they are no match for those tulips! What a stunning backdrop!

Here, we marched around trying to find level (non-muddy) ground, quilts flapping wildly even in the slightest breeze.

We finally decided the quilt stand was not working out so well, but we took some good shots just holding the quilts.

Of course, tiptoeing through the tulips is not allowed…. But, dashing between the rows for a good photo is a gray area ;)

It’s been quite a week, and the excitement isn’t over. We’ve redone the website to include all the new patterns and the new ruler. Please take a minute to check it out! It really does look so so good! Would you like to get your hands on one of my patterns and its companion ruler? I thought so :) I am offering free shipping to anyone who buys a pattern (or multiple) and the ruler together.

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and encouragement! It really means a lot to me :) Here’s to many more delightful quilts to come!


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my website for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Craftsy, Etsy, and here on the website.


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