Lollipops and Licorice is a fresh spring quilt design combining just two shapes to make these charming stars. The cutting and assembly are a breeze with explicit instructions and illustrations for pressing with no Y seams! Cut diamonds and triangles with the Creative Grids 60-Degree Diamond Mini Ruler. The cover sample was made using the Jen Kingwell Lollies fabric, or you can opt for a different look using any striped fabric. There is also a bonus quilt pattern included to make use of all the scraps!
Lap/Twin Size 56" x 72"
• 1-1/4 yds each of 4 different Jen KingwellLollie fabrics.
(or 1/2 yd each of 10 different striped fabric for a different look)
• 1-1/2 yds backing solid
• 1/2 yd binding fabric
• 3-1/2 yds backing fabric
Baby Size 35" x 40"
• 1/2 yds each of four different Jen Kingwell Lollie fabrics.
• 2/3 yd background solid
• 1/3 yd binding fabric
• 1-1/4 yds backing fabric
Bonus Gumdrop Quilt 42" x 48"
• 3/4 yd background fabric
• 3/8 yd binding fabric
• 2- 3/4 yds backing fabric
Creative Grids Non-Slip 60 Degree Diamond Mini Ruler by Krista Moser
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Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
Hexagon Twinkle
Table Runner
SKU: 10025
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